stretch therapy
kinstretch / FRC
stick mobility

Stretch classes include a variety of methods to improve mobility, flexibility, balance, and postural awareness. Regular mobility training improves your general physical health and compliments your strength and cardio training by allowing you to access greater ranges of movement in all activities.

During a Stretch class you will be given the opportunity to participate in a variety of stretching techniques including: static holds, dynamic movements, proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation (PNF), fascial work (using tools like dowels and balls), balancing, weighted mobility, and partner assisted stretching.
We regularly use the coaching model; where you work together with 1-2 others to correct, cue, and challenge each other. All partner activities can be modified to solo activities, and vice-versa.
Classes are 75 minutes long and the first 15 minutes is your personal time to arrive, warmup, chat with friends, ask us questions, or just relax! The final 60 minutes is comprised of highly organised stretching activity. Each weekly class plan is unique, and you’ll never do the same class twice.
All stretching activities are scalable, meaning that I can make them easier, or more challenging, depending on your ability. By participating in regular Stretch classes, you will learn about your own patterns of tension, and how to change them by reducing tightness in all the soft tissues. You will gain a deeper insight to yourself, your range of movement will increase, and you will be more relaxed. Most importantly, stretching is fun and feels fantastic!                                                                                                                   

More information on Stretch Therapy at:
More information on Kinstretch at:                                                          More information on Stick Mobility at:

When deciding if Stretch is an appropriate activity for you, please consider your individual condition including: Age, Injury History and Fitness Level. For example, you will need to be able to get up and down from the floor, move onto your hands and knees, and be comfortable with your balance. It is your choice and responsibility to determine whether or not you want to participate in any particular activity and remember that we can always give you alternatives if you decide that a certain activity does not suit you. If you have any concerns in view of your general health, medical condition(s) or other, regarding the appropriateness of undertaking an exercise program; you should seek your own medical advice and consult your Doctor before participating.

I take enrolments by the 10 week term. It is my intention to expose you to a broad variety of activities over the 10 week period, giving you the best opportunity to learn and improve. I feel that by committing to an entire course of classes, you will gain the most optimal experience of the type of exercise modalities I offer. Your enrolment is for a specific class time each week. This guarantees your place in your preferred class time and allows you to take advantage of a regular and routine exercise practice.

Each term is 10 weeks long and the course fee of $230 is calculated to cover 10 classes.  

Your course fee is calculated to cover the number of classes provided in the term. If you cannot attend a class, you are welcome to do a makeup class during the term (see Stretch Makeups). Your enrolment is not refundable or transferable to another person without first consulting me and gaining my express agreement. Term fees must be paid in advance of the term start date.

If you have any concerns regarding fee payment, please contact me as soon as possible. I am very happy to discuss ways in which we can resolve fees issues.

Should you miss your regular Stretch or Stick Mobility class time, you are welcome at any other Stretch or Stick Mobility class time offered by me during the term, unless the class is fully booked. To see if a class time is fully booked, please check the timetable page, or contact me directly.

Stretch or Stick Mobility makeup classes may only be taken within the term dates. Stretch and Stick Mobility makeup classes are not refundable or transferable without first consulting me and gaining my express agreement. 


I work with individuals including children, and small groups. 
My friend and colleague Ciel Materne also does private training and has experience in working with conditions including Parkinson’s Disease. 
Please contact me directly if you are looking for individual strength training programs or sessions.

Spring Term 2024 Timetable

The Spring Term 2024 timetable for all class types: Strength, Stretch, Masters Strength, Stick Mobility, and Strength Plus, is shown below.  The timetable applies from 14 October 2024 > Friday 20 December 2024.

As the beginning of each term approaches some classes may fill, and this timetable will be updated. Please note that while the timetable is not intended to change, in unforeseen circumstances classes may be cancelled. In these circumstances, we will contact all impacted students with as much notice as possible.
If you are enrolled in a Strength class, Masters Strength class, or a Stretch class and you need to do a makeup, you are welcome at any other class of the same type. Please check the timetable below to view which classes are currently full (and should be avoided for makeups), and which classes have places available in them for makeups. Classes that are full are clearly marked with RED text. If you have any doubts or concerns, please contact me in advance to find out if there is space. 

If you are enrolled in a Stick Mobility or Strength Plus class and you need to do a makeup, you are welcome at any other class time or type that is not marked as full. Please see the Strength page for more information about Strength Plus.